Bullet proof shoulder routine

Our shoulders are incredible they are the link between our body and our arms and do a lot of work in Crossfit.
So its really important they are functioning correctly. This is a simple 6 week program which will take just 15 minutes twice a week. But it will relieve tensions in the shoulders and also bring balance and control.

Having bullet proof shoulders is not about your arm strength, its all about quality of movement and stability.

This plan develops quality stability and also develops the movements in these stable positions. On top of this it strengthens the underused muscles and releases the tension in the over used muscles.
It basically retrains your shoulders on how to move well. So these movement patterns become the norm through your life and training.


There should never be any pain in any movements! This most likely means your shoulder is not in the correct position. Or is unable to keep the correct position during movement. So skip that movement and only do pain free movements. Also chat to your coach.

 Neutral shoulder Position.

Learning a neutral shoulder position is Key. Our scapulars should be able to maintain this position throughout complex movements. The only time it is really necessary to come out of this position is when specifically trying to. So in a shrug, hanging on a bar or extending the bar over head.

 How to find your neutral shoulder position  – Click here to watch

Dysfunctional shoulders are when your shoulder does not know this stable position and has the habit of rolling forward to coming up. This plan will reinforce this stable position through holds and repetition.  Reeducating your shoulder so when your working out this will be a default position you don’t have to think about.

Week 1 


Day 1:

Chest stretch  30 seconds each side 

2 sets:

Bands on wall:

Low rear fly on band – x 10 – 1 second hold at back.  

Rear fly with band x 10 – 1 sec hold. 

Box hold 15 seconds

Day 2:

Chest stretch 30 seconds each side

Bicep stretch 30 seconds each side.

2 Sets:

AYT on floor x 6 on each. 

Scapular pull ups x 6

Week 2

Day 1:

Chest stretch 30 seconds each side.

Bicep stretch 30 seconds each side.

2 sets:

Bands on wall:

Low rear fly on band – x 10 – 2 second hold at back.  

Rear fly with band x 10 – 2 sec hold. 

Box scap dips x 4 + hold 15 seconds

Day 2:

Chest trigger point roll on ball – 60 seconds each side.

Chest stretch 30 seconds each side

2 Sets:

AYT on floor, 7 x each. 

Scapular pull ups x 7

Week 3 

Day 1:

Bicep stretch 30 seconds each side.

Chest stretch 30 seconds each side.

2 sets:

Bands on wall:

Low rear fly on band – x 12- 2 second hold at back.  

Rear fly with band x 12 – 2 sec hold. 

High row x 5 (elbows parallel to shoulders and shoulders pinned down!) 

Finisher after all training:

Shoulder finisher:

10 x Low rear fly, rear fly, high fly, rear fly + 2 second hold on each..

Day 2:

Chest trigger point roll on ball – 60 seconds each side.

Chest stretch 30 seconds each side

2 Sets:

AYT on floor, 8 x each. 

Scapular pull ups x 8

Box scap dips x 6 holds  15+ seconds

Week 4

Day 1:

Bicep stretch 30 seconds each side.

Chest stretch 30 seconds each side.

2 sets:

Bands on wall:

Low rear fly on band – x 12 – 2 second hold at back.  

Rear fly with band x 102- 2 sec hold. 

High row x 5 + 2 second hold (elbows parallel to shoulders and shoulders pinned down!) 

Finisher after all training:

Shoulder finisher:

10 x Low rear fly, rear fly, high fly, rear fly + 2 second hold on each..

Day 2:

Chest trigger point roll on ball– 60 seconds each side.

Chest stretch 30 seconds each side

2 Sets:

AYT on floor, 10 x each. 

Scapular pull ups x 10

Box scap dips x 6 holds  20+ seconds

Week 5 

Day 1:

Bicep stretch 30 seconds each side.

Chest stretch 30 seconds each side.

5 x Wall slides (back flat on wall, slide elbows wrists and walls up the wall)

2 sets:

Bands on wall:

Low rear fly on band – x 15 – 2 second hold at back.  

Rear fly with band x 15 – 2 sec hold. 

High Row + external rotation x 5  (shoulders must be pinned down!) 

Finisher after all training:

Shoulder finisher:

10 x Low rear fly, rear fly, high fly, rear fly + 2 second hold on each..

Day 2:

Chest trigger point roll on ball – 60 seconds each side.

Chest stretch 30 seconds each side

2 Sets:

AYT on floor with 0.5kg plate, 5 x each. 

Scapular pull ups x 10

Box scap dips x 8

Box hold 20+ seconds

Week 6

Day 1:

Bicep stretch 30 seconds each side.

Chest stretch 30 seconds each side.

5 x Wall slides (back flat on wall, slide elbows wrists and walls up the wall)

2 sets:

Bands on wall:

Low rear fly on band – x 15 – 2 second hold at back.  

Rear fly with band x 15 – 2 sec hold. 

High Row + external rotation x 7 (shoulders must be pinned down!) 

Finisher after all training:

Shoulder finisher:

10 x Low rear fly, rear fly, high fly, rear fly + 2 second hold on each.. 

Day 2:

Chest trigger point roll on ball – 60 seconds each side.

Chest stretch 30 seconds each side

2 Sets:

AYT on floor with 0.5kg plate, 5 x each. 

Scapular pull ups x 10

Box scap dips x 8

Box hold  20+ seconds

Continue having Bullet proof shoulders: 

Now this is complete you should spend 15 mins a week on shoulder maintenance so complete one session of week 6 once a week either day 1 or 2.  

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